Of the three, Cadiz was the stand-out place; a modern city but one in which you could still smell the salt, and feel the ghosts of Magellan, Drake and Columbus. Its old quarter, with narrow streets and Moorish tiled buildings retain much of the feel of an old port, while still having a modern city immediately adjacent.
Vigo on the other hand, was more like Leeds-on-sea than the Spanish version of Whitby that I expected. Much bigger a genuine provincial city.
Sailing out of Lisbon under the "Golden Gate Bridge in miniature" while playing Volleyball on the deck will stick in my mind, mainly due to the precision with which highest extreme of the ship fitted under the bridge by what looked like less than a metre to spare! and a carefully (mis)placed serve would have put the ball amongst the cars and trucks passing above!
Well, we've been back home now for just over a week, and the 14 day trip has begun to sink in, along with the return of reality. We had more fun than I ever expected, and the service, facilities and entertainment were first class.
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