Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What the hell is a "Round Tuit" anyway and why is it round?

Well I finally did it......! I quit my job, after the moribund company I worked for was bought out by the Mighty Amway Corporation from the Good old US of A.....

My reasons for quitting should be obvious to all reasonable minded people, but if you still don't get it, just Google "Amway Sucks." I rest my case....

Well I've done my Garden Leave (thanks Amway!) and I really am now unemployed. I have time to play Amateur Radio to my heart's content, put up annoying structures in the back garden, hang wires off the house and get on with all the things I was going to do because I never got a Round Tuit.

After all these years, I now know what a Round Tuit really is and I am the proud owner of one.

As of today, I'm officially "self employed", setting up two websites, (radio and business) and am planning to split this blog in to at least two; this general one for ramblings, and one soley for recounting the wartime exploits of an "Zwangsarbeiter" a certain, now 90 year old (bless him!) Polish relative by marriage. About 3 years ago I sat down with him with a tape recorder over a 3 month period and just got him to reminisce. What I have transcribed I think you'll find is both fascinating and horifying at the same time.

Watch this space for more details.