Friday, July 4, 2008

"Diary of a Zwangsarbeiter" is now on line

As promised, to celebrate his 90th birthday I have now set up a separate blog to tell my father in law Czes’ fascinating and inspiring tale of his time as Polish Forced labourer "Zwangsarbeiter" in Germany in WW2 .

You can find the blog at

I ask the reader to take what Czes told me as a genuine memoir. His mind even at 90 years of age is still razor sharp. Nevertheless I'm sure some of it will have been mis-remembered after more than 60 years, and some of it may even be downright embellished, but I hope reading it gives you as much pleasure as it has me hearing it first hand, and it gives you a first hand insight in to what it was like between 1939 and 1945 for those who were non-combatants, but still prisoners of war.