With only 30 minutes at Pisa, it was another James Burke – inspired itinerary:
Hike to rendezvous point
Drink Cappuccino
Take picture of your partner pretending to hold up the Leaning Tower
Drink Water (31 degrees in the shade)
Let partner take picture of you pretending to hold up the Leaning Tower
Buy Pisa Hat
Battle through crowds to Bus Park
Back on bus
Vicki liked one of the posters so we started the bartering process.
“How much?”
“35 Euros!”
“(expletive deleted)
J & V begin to walk off…….He follows…. (got him on the hook)
“I can do you special price!”
“Oh Yeah?”
“20 Euro for two!"
“Give us a break ……….”
Walk off again… he’s still following us. It’s looking like a 5 euro poster to me…..
“15 Euro, two posters…..?”
“We only want one…… 5 Euros, no more!”
We get a look like we’ve just drowned his pet dog, then suddenly he realises he’s wandered too far away from his pitch and must have got the tip from his buddy, because he grabbed his posters and scarpered behind a colonnade.
So close to a deal I couldn’t see him giving up and sure enough, a few metres further on he popped out from behind another colonnade, poster ready wrapped in an elastic band with a resigned look on his face.
“Five Euros?”
“Five Euros…..”
I love bartering…..
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